The Sexy Green Lifestyle newsletter (sign up on the Om Aroma
website) shares with us 4 tips on eating food that makes your skin glow.
Everything you eat becomes a part of not only your inner being, but the outer fabric of your body. The healthier the foods you consume, the better your skin will look. Eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your share of good food for healthy skin. Here are tips to give you a boost of glowing healthy and softness to your complexion.
Low-Fat Yogurt: Healthy skin cells depend on Vitamin A, which is abundantly found in low-fat dairy products. Yogurt also has acidophilus, that is good for intestinal health. Anything that keeps your digestion balanced is also reflective of good skin.
Fatty Fish: Salmon and cod provide Omega 3 Fatty Acid that make our cell walls healthy and protect us from sunburn. The fatty acid helps reduce inflammation of skin. Vegetarians can have flaxseeds, walnuts, olives, and avocado.
Whole-Wheat Bread and Cereals: They contain the mineral selenium, which is key role in the health of skin cells. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high. Whole-grain also leaves less room in your meals for the white-flour items, sugar and white rice. These ingredients can affect insulin levels and cause inflammation that may ultimately be linked to skin breakouts.
Water, Water, and More Water!: Apart from eating, we also need to concentrate on drinking. No one disputes the role good hydration plays in keeping skin looking healthy and fresh. In addition to keeping cells hydrated, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, leaving skin looking better and digestion stronger.
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